I love writing about unusual people in unusual circumstances. I love exploring all the different shades of love, and anger, and remorse. Books give us a way to live more than one life, and hopefully gain broader perspectives that will make our journey more rewarding or at least easier to endure.

This may sound like pretentious douchie nonsense, but I also write to make peace with the things I cannot control, and to dissect my dreams and nightmares. I know, corny, but it’s true. Writing stories is the art of communicating our dreams and visions. It helps us form a dialogue about things that are hard to talk about. It can also help highlight the beauty we often miss and expose the evil lurking in shadows. I can write myself out of my fears and into new possibilities. Most importantly, writing stories helps to settle my racing mind and give me a sense of purpose — to entertain and share some fun, intrigue, and hope with as many people as possible.

Any feedback is most appreciated. If you see a typo or think I should elaborate on anything, please let me know! If you have an interesting story to tell, send a description and maybe I can help you put it together. 

You can reach me at

(Not a link to hide from spam bots. Must type into your email program manually, sorry.)


The Wolves of Lilyfield


“Clearly puts is soul into every character. Each book is original, with a great story told throughout the book. I definitely like his style.” Patrick Renard

“It’s a sign of a great author, that you are dying to know what happens next. This author knows how to captivate an audience.” Tammy Auntry

“I read a lot of manuscripts on the Internet, but one of his latest novels really got my attention. It was not just of great quality or originality, its narrative style was truly captivating.” T Penelope





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