About Me

Like Mark Twain said, “If you really want to know me, read my books.”

I am irrelevant. I’m just a fool trying to entertain and get crazy thoughts out of my head. If you are amused by any of my writing, I am pleased. That is all that matters.

But if you really want to know a bit about me…. After school (or when ditching), I would amuse friends by telling tales of other worlds and curious characters. I wrote many short stories and my first full novel by hand (it was rambling nightmare on paper and hard to read) before I was 20. Realizing that I still had a LOT of work to do, I began a long journey to get better at the art of storytelling. I hope you enjoy my progress. I eagerly welcome any feedback I can use to refine my skills.

Other hobbies: Guitars – I collect (18+ so far), play (poorly), repair, sell to adults and donate to underprivileged teens. Develop and sell tabletop games. Attend college occasionally. Charity work – Big Brothers, Safe House, Animal Sanctuary, etc. Write mushy/obscene poetry to my wife of 20+ years. Run a web development company ( Eoncity.net ) which offers discounts to artists and charities if you’re interested. And rumor has it that I sleep once in awhile. Chat me up about any of this if you like.


Some of my favorite book:
W. Somerset Maugham – Razor’s Edge
Jo Baker – Longbourn
Jane Austen – Everything she wrote
Josephine Hart – Damage
Andy Weir – Hail Mary Project (don’t wait for movie)
Chuck Palahniuk – Fight Club, Choke
Kurt Vonnegut – SlaughterHouse Five, Cat’s Cradle, etc.
Kafka – The Metamorphosis.
William S. Burroughs – Naked Lunch
Aldous Huxley – Doors of Perception
Liu Cixin – Three-Body Problem (whole series)
Grant Tyler – Red Dwarf series
Barry J. Hutchison – Space Team (whole series, so funny)
Douglas Adams – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Martha Wells – The Murderbot Diaries
Art Spiegelma – Maus
Dr. Seuss – Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

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